Shipping Information :
All standard orders ship within 5-7 business days. ( This does not include orders that participate in SALES )
Standard orders must be placed before 11:59 pm to start processing on the next day. Expedited orders must be placed by 12 noon to start processing the same day and will arrive based on the transit time selected.
International Shipping (Canada & other countries)
We do currently ship internationally. International customers are able to choose their own form of shipping. Due to the Customs handling processes, some customers may experience delayed deliveries.
APO/FPO/ and DPO Military Addresses:
All shipments to APO/FPO/and DPO addresses are able to choose their own form of shipping. Due to
Military handling processes, the delivery to some destinations may take up to 21 days.
Shipping Addresses:
Please be sure to provide the precise street address/P.O. box, city, state, and zip code information. Remember to fully spell out everything in your address. This will help to prevent any errors in shipping.
You can add, edit, or delete shipping addresses while you are in the address confirmation step of the check-out process.
Multiple Shipping Addresses:
We currently do not ship to more than one address per order.
Business Days & Holidays:
All orders process and ship Monday-Friday, excluding major holidays within the United States. Orders will be shipped according to the chosen shipping method selected. If orders are placed after cut-off time, it will be processed the following business day.
Packages will not be shipped on the weekends or on the following US holidays.
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day